The Billionaire's Secret Life (Rosesson Brothers Book 4) Page 11
Joseph’s laughter was immediate and long-lived. When he finally settled down, it was with a sympathetic look in Kate’s direction. “Oh, kid, that’s every woman’s fantasy. Find the man of your dreams and - surprise! - turns out he’s a prince. Too bad it doesn’t work that way, huh?”
Kate felt silly and naive, but she still wasn’t ready to admit defeat. “The timeline fits, though. It’s not like I would have looked twice if he’d been missing for years. And Dan’s the right age to be an eligible bachelor.”
Her partner smiled in that indulgent way he had when he thought she was being unrealistic. Thank goodness he never did it on a call, or they’d have serious issues.
“All I’m saying is, there are more regular Joes out there than millionaire bachelors with amnesia, kid. You might think about giving one of them a chance.”
A smirk twitched the side of Kate’s mouth. “Billionaire.”
Joseph chuckled. “I stand corrected.”
They made the rest of the drive in silence, Kate lost in her thoughts. Even if that article was a long shot, it was at least a safe one. Maybe if she told Dan, he’d be motivated to check it out before he went off and did something that could get him hurt. Kate vowed to work it into the conversation if she could.
At the restaurant, Joseph made himself scarce, taking a seat at the bar with one of their radios. He’d cover her back and listen for any big calls they might need to rush out for while they were marked out of service. She and Dan sat at a table for two against a bright orange wall.
No sooner had her butt touched the seat, than Dan leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. “Estacada was a perfect fit. Thank you.”
A startled laugh escaped Kate’s lips as he pulled back. She put her napkin in her lap and they both gave their orders to the harried waitress. “I’m glad. You’re welcome. So, you found out some good stuff?”
“I found out the name of one of the guys on the video, and that he was recently seen heading south with a whole bunch of other guys. Chances are they’ve cleared out the cabin. It’s probably sitting there deserted.”
His brown eyes bored into hers with fierce determination. “But not for long. Estacada says they’ll probably get a warrant and go search it for evidence. As soon as that happens, I’m not getting shit that might help me find out who I am. I need to get out there right away, before the cops do. Now.”
“But Dan, it could be dangerous. What if the cabin isn’t deserted? What if it’s rigged with explosives somehow? I’m completely opposed to you going out there alone.” It was on the tip of Kate’s tongue to suggest he call one of her brothers, but she’d never forgive herself if she sent two men she loved into a deadly situation.
“Kate, I can’t just ignore this opportunity and watch my only lead dry up. If I don’t get out there now, I could miss my chance. This is my identity we’re talking about.” A tic in a muscle in his jaw betrayed the tension there.
Kate frowned. “You can’t say that for sure. If you were just investigating them, why would they even have anything there that has anything to do with you? How would you even know what to look for?” Her stomach fluttering in panic, Kate seized on any argument she could think of to talk him out of going.
“I guess I won’t. I have to hope I’ll know it when I see it.” Their food arrived, and, as the waitress set their plates down, Dan looked at her with pleading eyes. “I can’t just let the chance pass me by, Kate.”
“What if you had another lead?” Kate willed herself to be calm. It was no use bringing this up if she sounded like she was grasping at straws.
Dan gave her a confused look. “There are no other leads.”
Kate squirmed in her seat and focused on her enchiladas, taking a bite and chewing thoughtfully. “I was looking stuff up the other day, you know, running random searches, and I found someone in San Francisco who fits your approximate age and the timeframe you’ve been missing.”
Brown eyes instantly locked on hers. “You what? Why didn’t you mention this before?”
“I’m sorry. It just seemed like a long shot. There was no picture, and the guy is…” Kate let her sentence trail off, suddenly feeling even sillier than when she’d brought it up to Joseph.
“He’s what, Kate?” She felt like Dan was seeing right through her, the way he focused on her face without blinking. “Married?”
A nervous laugh exploded out of Kate. “No! God, no. He’s just, he’s a billionaire.”
Kate mumbled the last two words, shoveling a bite of food into her mouth as soon as they were out. She couldn’t believe she was telling him this. It all sounded so stupid now. Her eyes flew to Dan’s, expecting to see pitiful indulgence.
Instead he was smiling at her with such a sweet expression, Kate’s heart performed a somersault in her chest. “A billionaire, huh? Well, that’s way worse than a white supremacist. No wonder you didn’t tell me.”
Kate laughed sheepishly and reached her hand across the table. Dan’s fingers instantly twined through hers and squeezed. Kate took a breath and released it.
“It was just a nothing tidbit in a gossip rag. I don’t even remember the guy’s name. Dalton Rosemond, something like that. It was the right first initial for the money clip, and the article read like he could be your age. I just don’t want you to risk your life. What if you don’t come back and I never know who you were?” Tears welled in Kate’s eyes as the thought she hadn’t even articulated to herself spilled from her lips.
Dan’s fingers brushed her cheek, his other hand knotted in hers pulling her closer. Kate leaned as far as she could over the table and met his eyes.
“Kate, honey, no. That won’t happen. I’ll come back. And we’ll look up your billionaire, too. I promise.” A grin flashed across Dan’s chiseled face. “Hell, I might apply for the job myself, if they can’t find the other guy.”
His expression sobered. “But I’ve got to do this now, while I have the chance. Please tell me you understand, Kate.”
Dan’s thumb caught a single tear as it spilled onto Kate’s cheek, swiping it back to her temple. She felt her lower lip tremble and willed it to be still. Crying wouldn’t do her any good; it would just give her a headache and leave Dan feeling like shit.
“Okay. But you take good care of my baby. And text me when you get there. Got it?” Kate narrowed her eyes and scowled at her lover. All she could do now was let him go and pray he came back safe.
“I’ll update you as often as I can. And I’ll take as good care of your car as I do of your body.” Dan kissed her fingers, then leaned over the table and did the same to her lips. Kate reached a hand to touch his cheek, savoring the sliver of contact.
“No need to try and make me jealous. Here are my keys.” She reached into her pocket and held out the ring, dropping it into Dan’s waiting palm.
“She’s parked in the city lot by the ambulance bay. It’s four blocks east from here. There’s a tag on the bumper that’ll get you out the gate.”
“Thank you, Kate. I’ll tell you all about it when you get home tomorrow. Think you could sneak into my bedroom?” His sexy smile had Kate squirming in her chair again, but for different reasons.
“I don’t have to sneak anymore. My dad was waiting for me in the kitchen when I came up this morning.” Kate giggled as Dan’s eyes bugged and he choked on nothing.
“He what? And I’m still alive?” His shocked expression transformed to a sheepish smile. Kate was charmed by how worried he was about her father’s opinion.
“I was surprised at how chill he was, myself. He didn’t have one bad word to say, though. Told me I should follow my instincts, even if it seemed crazy.” She met Dan’s eyes as she spoke, though it made her guts feel like they were inside a paint mixer. He had to know she wasn’t playing around.
The tender smile that lit his eyes in return made Kate melt even more. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” All at once, she straightened. “I’m sure he wasn’t talking about stupid shit like this, t
Dan laughed as he left a few bills on the table to cover their lunch. “No, of course not. Just the other crazy stuff.”
“Exactly.” Kate stood up as Dan did and was surprised to find herself drawn into his arms. She glanced to the patrons on one side before Dan took her by the chin and forced her eyes to his.
“Thank you, Kate. For trusting me. I can’t tell you what it means.” He grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a lingering kiss to her palm.
Kate’s heart fluttered, as well as the muscles deep in her core. She swallowed against the surge of arousal. “I guess you’ll just have to show me, then. See you in the morning?”
Dan groaned lightly and Kate felt the warm push of air against the sensitive flesh of her hand. “See you in the morning. Take off your clothes and get into bed, I’ll do the rest.”
Now it was Kate’s turn to moan. “God, go already. Find what you need and then get back here in time to rest up and make me crazy.”
Dan grinned and kissed her cheek, turning to guide her to the exit. Joseph, she saw out of the corner of her eye, downed the last of his soda and stood up to leave.
As Kate watched Dan walk away to find her car, a bad feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. The thought of him going out there alone left her tense and fearful.
She took out her phone and found the app for her car’s onboard GPS locator. It came standard with the car and was handy for stolen vehicles or disobedient teens, but Kate had never used it. One thumb-swipe turned her locator on and sent emergency alerts to her phone.
From behind her, Joseph gave a shout. “Yo, Kate! Pile-up on the freeway, kid, we got to move it!” Kate turned and ran to the ambulance, her worries over Dan retreating farther from the forefront of her mind with each wail of the siren.
Chapter 16
One thing was for sure, Talon decided, and that was that it had been too damn long since he’d taken a ride of any distance. He hadn’t realized how much he missed it.
The scenery from San Francisco to eastern Oregon was spectacular. There’d been no fewer than four national forests on his route through the Blue Mountains. He’d have to get Crystal on board for a road trip as soon as her semester at college ended.
Talon drove through Malheur National Forest, where Dax’s rental car had been abandoned, trying to get the lay of the land. His persistent thought as the thick woods flew through his peripheral vision was that it wasn’t a place he wanted to consider Daxton being buried. No way they’d ever find his body.
Pushing that thought out of his mind, he continued on to the nearest hospital to show Daxton’s photo around and ask a few questions. Talon planned to hit every hospital around Malheur and Baker City, where the Fernleaf Motel was located.
At the first three stops, all Talon got were blank stares and variations on their inability to give out patient information. No worse than he’d expected, but he had to try.
He walked into his fourth ER with Daxton’s picture and his best version of a solicitous smile. The young blonde nurse at the intake desk looked up in surprise, then unabashed interest. Talon grinned; she had just the kind of tells he was looking for.
Her eyes were rich brown and heavily made up. Talon held her gaze with every step closer before resting his arms on the counter, his wedding ring on prominent display. The nurse’s eyes glanced to it, but the heat in her eyes remained.
Talon smiled wider, glancing at her nametag as he pulled out his business card. “Good afternoon, Chloe. My name is Thomas Covina, I’m with Alpha Security down in San Francisco. One of our employees was staying in the area a couple of weeks ago, but now he’s gone missing and we can’t seem to find him.”
Chloe’s forehead scrunched and her lips pouted in an attractive facsimile of sympathy. “I’m so sorry to hear that, sir. But of course you know we can’t divulge patient information.”
“Oh, I’m aware of that. And I wouldn’t even ask, but we’re quite worried he could be in danger. I wonder if you would just take a look at his picture? I can leave a copy of it if that would help.” Talon handed the photograph over and scrutinized Chloe’s reaction.
Her sharply drawn eyebrows flew high on her forehead. Talon expected her to meet his eye, but, instead, she immediately looked around her as if checking for witnesses. Chloe returned the picture face-down and raised her voice slightly.
“I’m sorry again, sir, but we simply cannot give out any information at all. Completely against hospital policy.” Another nurse entered the space behind the desk, and Chloe stood up as if to leave. She turned toward Talon with a friendly smile of her own and leaned over the counter.
“If you’re not quite ready to continue your search, though, there are some really nice benches over on the south side where you could sit, hang out for a bit.” Something in her expression told Talon to pay attention, that she was trying to send him a message.
“Oh yeah? The south side, huh? Sounds great, maybe I’ll get some sun before I go.” Talon slipped Daxton’s picture back in the pocket of his cut and turned to leave. He only hoped Chloe had some information about Dax and that she wasn’t just trying to hit on him.
Talon made his way back outside and around to the south end of the hospital. A few benches and ashtrays were set up about fifty feet from the nearest entrance, with covers over them that reminded him of bus stops in big cities. He made his way to the one facing the hospital and sat down.
Five minutes later, Chloe appeared at the hospital entrance with another man, this one in a paramedic uniform. He had red hair and a beard and was almost as big as Talon himself. Chloe tipped her head in Talon’s direction and appeared to still be talking as the man started walking toward him. The redheaded man gave a small wave in Chloe’s direction but never took his inscrutable eyes off Talon.
Interesting. Either Chloe thought this guy had information, or Talon was about to get leaned on for some reason. He was ready for either possibility, but it was best to start out assuming this was what it was supposed to be: an innocent inquiry by a concerned coworker.
Talon stood and held out his hand as the man approached, and gave his standard line. “Hi, I’m Thomas Covina. I work for Alpha Security in San Francisco. I understand you might be able to help me out?”
The burly redhead stuck out one heavily-muscled, even more heavily-freckled arm and shook Talon’s hand. “John Cabell. Nice to meet you. I was just doing a drop-off and Chloe said you had some questions. I’m not sure if I can help you or not, but you’re welcome to ask.”
John’s tone was nice enough, Talon noticed, but he wasn’t giving a fucking inch. Talon wasn’t worried, though. He knew that paramedics, like cops, saw some pretty gnarly shit in their day-to-day lives. Most of them weren’t given to being overly trusting. He resumed his seat on the bench and waited for John to sit as well.
“No sweat. I appreciate you taking the time, John. I’ll get right to the point. Alpha is a private security agency; we take on a lot of different jobs involving a variety of classes of people. We’re worried that one of our guys might have gotten on the wrong side of the ones he was hunting down.”
Talon pulled Dax’s photo out of his cut and handed it to John. “This is my half-brother, Daxton Rosesson. Look him up online, you’ll find other photos to confirm that ID. He was last seen outside Baker City almost two weeks ago. His rental car turned up abandoned in Malheur National Forest.”
John’s face had remained stoic and blank, Talon noticed, until those last few words. Then his eyes lit up and his eyebrows gave the barest quirk, and Talon knew he was on to something.
“What do the police say?” John met Talon’s eyes, and Talon knew he was being studied as well. He had to give John respect for not rolling over easily.
“We haven’t gone to the police. Company policy is to wait two weeks, in case one of our operators needs that time more than we need to know where they are.”
“Seems like a good way to end up with dead operators.” John didn’t
even blink as he delivered the line. Talon’s jaw clenched involuntarily before he answered.
“We all knew the risks when we signed up. But that’s why I’m here, because until I report him tomorrow, he won’t officially be a missing person, and I don’t want to sit on my ass while I wait for the police to take over.
“So if you have any information, if anyone comes through fitting this description, even if they’re dead,” Talon’s voice went gruff as he pulled out a business card and handed it over. “Could you give me a call? He’s got three brothers besides me who are worried sick about him.”
John took Talon’s card in his free hand and looked back and forth between it and Dax’s photo. Finally, he stacked and held them in one hand, resting his arm along the back of the bench.
“I won’t give you any names. You could be who you say you are, but I won’t put my coworkers’ privacy on the line for a maybe. I do have a story to tell you, though.”
Talon held his breath.
“About a week and a half ago or thereabouts, another paramedic was out hiking in Malheur when they came across an unconscious man. Now, I never got a look at the guy, so I’m no help with this photo. But from what I hear, he appeared to be late-twenties and had brown hair, so maybe. Anyway, the guy was pretty banged up. He’d been shot, for one.”
John scrutinized Talon as he told his story, and Talon didn’t mind one bit giving him a reaction. “Shit! Is he okay?”
“Yeah, from what I heard, it was just a through-and-through to the shoulder. Anyway, the guy can’t remember anything. Not his name, his age, where he’s from, nothing. Left the hospital after two days still not knowing.”
Talon’s jaw clenched again. He was relieved and worried at once. If this guy with the gunshot wound was Dax, he was so close. But if he’d left without any forwarding address or a memory to work with… “Do you have any idea where he went?”
The redheaded paramedic looked back at him thoughtfully. He stayed quiet for a full thirty seconds before answering.